Unlock savings effortlessly with our complimentary statement audit. Say goodbye to high credit card processing rates and fees without the hassle of switching providers. At My Business Concierge, we're your partners in the credit card processing game, only winning when you do. Discover transparent savings tailored to your business, risk-free.
Remember, not all money is created equal:
$10,000 in sales is $10,000 minus the cost of labor, fees and goods sold.
$10,000 in savings is $10,000 in your pocket.
No problem. We’d love to talk! Click here to schedule a time that is best for you.
While many consulting firms impose hefty hourly rates, upfront retainers (often before any consulting work begins), or fixed fees, My Business Concierge operates differently. Our service doesn't cost businesses anything unless we effectively reduce their credit card fees and generate savings. We only receive payment when you save, establishing us as a genuine partner to your business.
The difference between My Business Concierge and a typical merchant processing service is that the goal of a processor is to set your rates as high as possible. This is because the higher they set your processing rates, the more money goes into their pocket.
We review your merchant statements for free and showcase just how much your business is being overcharged. If lower merchant account fees is on your agenda, we highly recommend contacting us.
Most consulting firms charge a large hourly rate, upfront retainer for the work (before any consulting even takes place), or a fixed fee. The best part about My Business Concierge and the service we provide is that it doesn’t cost a business a single penny unless we are able to lower credit card fees for them and achieve savings.
The difference between My Business Concierge and a typical merchant processing service is that the goal of a processor is to set your rates as high as possible. This is because the higher they set your processing rates, the more money goes into their pocket.
We review your merchant statements for free and showcase just how much your business is being overcharged. If lower merchant account fees is on your agenda, we highly recommend contacting us.
My Business Conciege, LLC DOES NOT provide any legal or accounting advice and users of this web site should consult with their own lawyer and C.P.A. for legal and accounting advice.