Employer Benefits

Help Meet Your Employees' Medical Needs

We understand how important it is for you to provide your employees with the benefits they deserve. That is why The CHAMP Plan™ exists!

Employer Benefits

Help Meet Your Employees' Medical Needs

We understand how important it is for you to provide your employees with the benefits they deserve. That is why The CHAMP Plan™ exists!

Healthcare Solutions For Your Business or Organization

Retain Employees

A company’s health benefit program is a key part of the compensation they offer to their employees.

Improve Cash Flow

Employers do not have to pre-pay for coverage, thereby providing for improved cash flow.


Tailored to complement primary healthcare insurance, our coverage maximizes cost-effectiveness and benefits for your organization.

Suit Needs Of Employees

Plans are customizable allowing employers to meet the specific heath care needs of the its workforce.

Healthcare Solutions For Your Business or Organization

Retain Employees

A company’s health benefit program is a key part of the compensation they offer to their employees.

Improve Cash Flow

Employers do not have to pre-pay for coverage, thereby providing for improved cash flow.


Tailored to complement primary healthcare insurance, our coverage maximizes cost-effectiveness and benefits for your organization.

Suit Needs Of Employees

Plans are customizable allowing employers to meet the specific heath care needs of the its workforce.

The CHAMP Plan™

The CHAMP Plan™ is a self-funded, personalized, clinical preventive healthcare program that has been designed to complement an organization’s primary healthcare insurance in such a way that it makes the organization’s healthcare coverage highly cost-effective and beneficial in terms of employee retention and satisfaction rates.

The employers who have employees enrolled in the CHAMP Plan™ will have a dashboard view of their company’s overall health profile. This will give the employer a visual of the health condition of its employees based on their average Life Score and will empower employers to have better group discussions about the health of their employees. Individual employee data will not be exposed to the employer for privacy concerns. However, the average life score of the company’s human capital will be visible to the employer, and they will be able to improve it. They can also know when their employees have an optimum average life score and are ready for a new challenge.

Through all those functionalities, the application helps employers keep track of their employees’ current and projected healthcare concerns and improve their situations to create a healthier and happier team.

Immediate Savings

Whether your company is large or small, our solution is a perfect fit.

We understand that while health insurance is a key benefit, health plans create a financial loss for companies. The CHAMP Plan solves this problem by helping companies establish a self-funded benefits plan that produces both immediate and long-term savings.

Offload Claims

Take a large load off of your current primary health plan by covering primary care office visits, urgent care office visits, and generic prescriptions. Health premiums are one of the largest costs for employers. With The CHAMP Plan, you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes with substantial savings to your company’s bottom line.​ We do the heavy lifting for you.

Immense Value

Approximately 80% of all healthcare spending in the U.S. goes towards managing chronic conditions. The CHAMP Plan is designed to help employees identify and prevent chronic illnesses before they become a part of their daily life and your monthly premium costs.

Immediate Savings

Whether your company is large or small, our solution is a perfect fit.

We understand that while health insurance is a key benefit, health plans create a financial loss for companies. The CHAMP Plan solves this problem by helping companies establish a self-funded benefits plan that produces both immediate and long-term savings.

Offload Claims

Take a large load off of your current primary health plan by covering primary care office visits, urgent care office visits, and generic prescriptions. Health premiums are one of the largest costs for employers. With The CHAMP Plan, you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes with substantial savings to your company’s bottom line.​ We do the heavy lifting for you.

Immense Value

Approximately 80% of all healthcare spending in the U.S. goes towards managing chronic conditions. The CHAMP Plan is designed to help employees identify and prevent chronic illnesses before they become a part of their daily life and your monthly premium costs.


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As the premier business consulting group nationwide, My Business Concierge is dedicated to introducing innovative solutions that lower overhead, minimize tax liability, and fuel business growth.

My Business Conciege, LLC DOES NOT provide any legal or accounting advice and users of this web site should consult with their own lawyer and C.P.A. for legal and accounting advice.

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About My Business Concierge

As the premier business consulting group nationwide, My Business Concierge is dedicated to introducing innovative solutions that lower overhead, minimize tax liability, and fuel business growth.

My Business Conciege, LLC DOES NOT provide any legal or accounting advice and users of this web site should consult with their own lawyer and C.P.A. for legal and accounting advice.